Take a look at this in order to get a brief overview of our awards and certificates and their exact meanings.

Above all, we place great value on a healthy, whole-food organic cuisine using regional products as well as treating nature and our environment with respect. Our guesthouse carries the EU-Eco-Regulation's ecolabel and can hereby prove that the organic products that we use are produced and controlled in accordance with the EU's legal regulations.
National Park Partner

Our establishment is a certified partner of the Saxon Switzerland National Park. Our concern is to protect the diversity, the uniqueness and the beauty of the Elbe sandstone mountain range and to secure the existence of plant and animal life and their natural habitats. At the same time, we would like to make the intense experiencing of nature possible and to share this with our guests.
“Wanderfreundlich am Malerweg”

Our certificate “Wanderfreundlich am Malerweg” (“Hiker-friendly on the Malerweg hiking trail”) is a guarantee of quality for all friends of hiking. Last-minute room booking and overnight possibilities for one night only are part of our service offer, as well as inexpensive pick-up and drop-off services.

We are a member of the regional association DEHOGA Regionalverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V. This German classification of guesthouses, inns and pensions clearly indicates which standards we meet and what you can expect as one of our guests. We have access to the latest information in the industry and benefit from continuing education and advanced training programs as well as exchanges of experience with other establishments.
Hospitality Cup Winner

We were awarded the “Hospitality Cup” (“Pokal der Gastlichkeit”) in 2008, when we won first prize in the competition for the most hospitable pension in the county of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge. We hereby underwent quality checks in criteria such as price/performance ratio, conditions of the guest rooms and sanitary facilities and child friendliness. In 2009, 2010 and 2011 we reached second place.
Think Regional

Think Regional (“Regional Denken”) is a government initiative of the county Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge. A product data base in which regional producers are listed by product group is supposed to support the purchasing of foodstuffs within the region.
Fahrtziel Natur

Fahrtziel Natur since 2001 is already active in sustainable tourism. The collaboration, which is sponsored jointly by the three environmental organizations BUND, NABU and VCD and Deutsche Bahn that present outstanding natural landscape of the Saxon Switzerland.
We like to spoil our guests with regional products originating from controlled organic cultivation. We would like to present our suppliers of meats and cold cuts, dairy products, bread, fruit and vegetables a bit more closely.
Vorwerk Podemus
This is a place where pigs, cows & co. are still allowed to enjoy sunshine and fresh air. Since its foundation in 1991, this organic farm has stood for the production of high-quality organic foodstuffs. The cultivation of fields and green acres does not involve the uses of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides – all the animals' feed originates exclusively from their own production.
Gut Gamig
The free non-profit association Gut Gamig is not only an establishment for the aid of the chronically psychologically ill and mentally disabled, but has also become prominent in the field of organic agriculture. Our organic pension is supplied with fruit, vegetables, eggs and juice by Gut Gamig.
Demeterhof Steinert
The life and cultivation philosophy of Demeter sees man, beast, plant, earth and cosmos as a correlation and is built on working with these forces. The farm Demeterhof Steinert is a dairy farm which also makes their own freshly home-baked bread. It abstains from the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides in the cultivation of its fields and acres. The Demeterhof Steinert supplies our organic pension with some of our dairy products.
Ziegenhof Lauterbach
The goat farm Ziegenhof Lauterbach offers regional milk and cheese specialties of the highest quality for gourmets. The raw milk is processed gently without high temperature treatments in the farm's own cheese dairy. Adequate outdoor pasture conditions without the uses of fertilizers or pesticides go without saying at the Ziegenhof Lauterbach.